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Your Weekly Dose of Inspiration and Craft Talk

Every week I offer a new blog article or podcast episode to help you finish your books and create a writing life you LOVE. Make sure you are on my email subscriber list so you don't miss a thing! (Including occasional free special events, freebies and workshops.) 
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November 29, 2023
How To Know When You’re Ready to Finish Your Book

And Are You Ready to Write it? Okay, but do you want to finish your book though? I ask because not every writer necessarily wants to write a full book. For years, I was happy just writing and publishing individual poems and stories. But once the idea hit me that I might have enough pages […]

November 29, 2023
When It’s Too Soon To Get Feedback On Your Writing

Just cut it out already, mmkay? After you’ve finished and published a couple of books, you’ll know what does and doesn’t work for you. But early on, as you’re still in the process of finishing your first book, there are some key ways you can make it a little easier for yourself and learning the […]

November 29, 2023
#100rejections — more than enough?

Rejections are one of the hardest parts of writing. We tuck our fragile writer egos into manuscript envelopes and send them out to be dismissed by the cruel, cruel world. Or that’s how we used to do it – now we just load our files and dreams up into Submittable and hold our breath for 6-8-12+ months. […]

November 29, 2023
Why Publish?

And believe in your book.   Dear Rhonda, Enclosed please find the cheque for your million dollar book advance. Love and kisses, Your Publisher   Ah, no. I’ve published book-length work a few times now, and sadly, this was not the outcome for any of my books. I do get lovely Christmas cards from the […]

November 29, 2023
How to Feel Less Alone with Your Writing

Are We In It Together? It’s a lonely life, the writer’s life. Or is it? We love the myth of writing as a lone activity, the writer huddled in a cold loft wearing fingerless gloves and turning out pages by the light of a single candle. (Just me? Possibly my English degree has steered me […]

November 29, 2023
The Writer’s Reading List: How To Bust Through Tough Craft Challenges

Where's your writing craft book stack? Building A Writer's Reading List From time to time in any given writing project, you’ll hit a wall. It would be great if this wall was painted with the perfect novel outline, but that doesn’t seem to be in the repertoire of most graffiti artists. The Writer’s Reading List […]

September 23, 2022
Top 12 Places to Find Good Writing Prompts

Sometimes, everyone needs a little push in life. And when we need those pushes, we often turn to external sources to guide us through our detours until we’re back on track, regardless if you are working towards a goal or need help with a big change.  As writers, we often need metaphorical tugs on our […]

September 19, 2022
How Writers Can Beat Perfectionism

True confession time: I put off writing this blog post because I was afraid it wouldn’t be perfect. I find that hilarious now, but I used to be sooo much worse than this: I would put off writing because I was afraid it wouldn’t be perfect and then NEVER get back around to my work-in-progress. […]

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