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20 Best Podcasts for Writers


Writing podcasts are a treasure trove of advice, ideas, experiences, and in some cases, comedy. 

But if you’re not a podcast-listener, are newly podcast-curious, or if you’re not sure what a good writing podcast to start with would be, you might be missing out!

So here’s a list of the 20 best podcasts for writers (and step-by-step instructions on how to find and listen to them on your device). 

Note that these are not listed in any kind of priority order – they’re all great! Add them to your Listen Now list in your podcast app…instructions on how to do that follow below if you’re new to the podcast world.

Write, Publish, and Shine 

This podcast is hosted by Rachel Thompson, an author and literary magazine editor. It gives advice on getting your writing ready for publication, and details what you’ll face as you go from a beginning writer to a published author. If you’re interested in publishing in literary magazines in particular, this is the podcast for you.

Save The Cat

This podcast is brought to you by Save The Cat author Blake Snyder, who gives tips on how to use resources from his website and other types for all sorts of writing, ranging from genre fiction to scripts. This podcast is a great starting point if you’re new to podcasts—many episodes range between 5 and 10 minutes, so you can ease in. 

Note that this podcast is NOT with Jessica Brody who wrote Save the Cat Writes a Novel, but rather the source inspiration for her book.

The Secret Library Podcast

In this podcast, host Caroline Donahue delves into the book world as we know it through interviews with authors and book lovers alike. The mysteries of how books come to be are dispelled, and the truths are revealed in this podcast, which has been keeping us updated on the book world’s inner workings since 2016.

Turning Readers Into Writers

Host Emma Dhesi encourages early writers to turn their love of reading into writing. And why not you? This podcast covers the full gamut of writing topics, from book coaching to productivity to interviews with writers about a variety of craft topics -- there's something for everyone here.

Book Marketing Simplified

Many authors are expected to do some portion of their own marketing, whether they’re traditionally or self-published. This podcast, hosted by Jenn and Marcus dePaula, discusses the processes and strategies they themselves use in their marketing business. They promise, “Listening to this podcast will save you time with marketing so you can spend more time writing.” And what writer doesn’t love to hear that?

Write Now with Sarah Werner

If you’re after the fabled work/life/writing balance, then this podcast could be the one for you. Sarah welcomes all writers, be they professionals or merely aspiring, and brings a variety of topics to the table. Whether it’s advice or fun, writing-related conversation you’re after, there’s something in this podcast for every writer.

The Creative Shift with Dan Blank

In this interview podcast, host Dan Blank talks to writers who’ve gone from dabbler to doer. It’s chock-full of writing advice, with tips on everything from marketing to one’s own limits. Dan is an engaging interviewer and every episode offers some interesting food for thought.

Page Fright: A Literary Podcast

This podcast has the honour of being the first on our list to rank as explicit (just for language, though!) Andrew French interviews authors of fiction and poetry, both new and established, to get insight on how they’ve found their “literary style.” 

The Unpublished Podcast

This podcast is hosted by married couple Aimee McNee and James Winestock—both writers! They talk about how you can create a sustainable life as a creator, and offer their podcast as a place “to reflect on your journey.” 

Living the Writing Life Podcast with Nancy Christie

In this podcast, just about every topic you could think of gets covered—business, creativity, and motivation. Whether you’re a writer (though if you’re here, I assume you are) or you want to hear about them, this podcast is a great place to start. 

The Creative Penn Podcast for Writers

Hosted by Joanna Penn, this podcast updates every Monday with a new interview! Penn and her guests talk about self-publishing, marketing, and making a living through your writing. Personally one of my top favourite podcasts for writers, Joanna understands what it means to be a working writer in today’s world.

Helping Writers Become Authors

This podcast is the longest-running on this list, having been started in 2009 with the aim of helping writers achieve the goal of becoming published authors. Author K.M. Weiland helps writers build skills such as creating well-rounded characters, making outlines, structuring novels, and polishing their skills in writing prose. Ultimately, this podcast wants to teach you how to write and edit your book.

The Happy Writer with Marissa Meyer

As writers, we all know there are tons of obstacles that stand in the way of our writing. And some, unfortunately, are harder to get around than others—like writer’s block, impostor syndrome, and rejection. Host Marissa Meyer interviews authors to find out how they managed it, and brings those useful tips to you. 


This podcast brings insight from the world of writing, through interviews of bestselling authors, people working in the publishing industry, and writing teachers. They give various tips and tools to get your writing done, and share your stories with the world. 

If you’re ready to dive into podcasts and want to listen to lots of episodes right away, consider this one: it currently stands at 451 episodes and is still updating! If you’re a new podcast listener, though, don’t be intimidated. There’s no rush to listen to all the episodes. Host Gabriela Pereira is an engaging interviewer and leaves no topic untouched.

Fiction Writing Made Easy

Do you have a million questions about writing? Well, this podcast aims to answer them! Savannah Gilbo, a developmental editor and a book coach, hosts. She finds all kinds of strategies that will help you make progress in writing, editing, and publishing. Writers of all experience levels are welcome. 

Pencils and Lipstick

This podcast, hosted by Kat Caldwell, focuses on learning more about the writing craft. Featuring interviews with editors, authors, and others working in the writing and publishing industries, there’s no stone left unturned. (I’m possibly biased since I was interviewed on this podcast, but I love Kat’s interviewing style.)

The Shit No One Tells You About Writing

As you may have gotten from the title, this podcast also ranks as explicit. That aside, if you’re an emerging writer considering traditional publishing, then this podcast is one you have to listen to! 

It’s hosted by Bianca Marais, herself a bestselling author, who wants to help new writers improve their writing and learn about the publishing industry. It even features critiques on query letters and opening book pages, which is invaluable for anyone looking to get published. Agents Carly Watters and CeCe lyra are frequent contributors and co-hosts, which gives this podcast an in-the-trenches feeling.

I Should Be Writing!

Do you find it difficult to sit down and get your writing done? You’re not the only one. Host Mur Lafferty knows the struggle, and that’s why there’s a whole podcast dedicated to helping you get past whatever it is that’s keeping you from writing. 

The Writer Files: Writing, Productivity, Creativity, and Neuroscience

In this podcast, host Kelton Reid explores how great writers do what they do—write! He examines their habits and their brains, with help from consistent guest neuroscientist Michael Grybko, to figure out how they stay creative and productive. 

The Resilient Writers Radio Show

That’s right, there’s a bit of ulterior motive behind this blog (though, all of these are great podcasts that you absolutely should check out). As of March 10th, The Resilient Writers Radio Show is now available! Weekly episodes will feature the experience of an interviewed writer, along with their advice on various writing topics, including tips from your host, Rhonda Douglas. [waves across the Interwebs 👋]


20 Best Podcasts for Writers: How to Listen

Of course, if you’re not a podcast person, you might be wondering how you even access podcasts. There are a few different ways, depending on what app you use. 

Apple Podcasts

If you own an Apple device, you can access podcasts through Apple Podcasts. If you have an Apple device, it likely has the app pre-installed. Look for the purple icon with the white microphone on the logo.

You can also listen to podcasts through the iTunes app, following the same instructions listed below.

Tap the icon, and it will bring you into the app. At the bottom of the screen, there will be a search icon. Tap it to open the search bar, which will appear at the top of the screen. Type the name of the podcast you’re looking for. 

When the podcast pops up, tap it. Then you’ll be able to read the description and select the episode you want to listen to. The newest episodes will be at the top of the screen, and you can scroll down to access earlier episodes, or the first if you want to start at the beginning. 

Tap the episode you want to listen to, and hit the play button. 

Google Podcasts

If you have an Android Device, you’ll want to use Google Podcasts. Google Podcasts is available to download on the Google Play Store (it’s usually pre-installed on Android Devices). 

In the search bar, type “Google Podcasts.” You’ll want to download the first result, Google Podcasts, by Google LLC. The logo is a set of coloured broken stripes.

You can also access Google Podcasts in your web browser! Type “Google Podcasts” into the search bar, and click on the first result with the same logo as above. 

Follow these steps on the Google Podcasts app to listen:

Once you’ve downloaded the app, open it. Tap the search icon at the bottom of the screen, and the search bar will appear at the top of the screen (in your web browser, the search bar will already be visible there). 

Type the name of the podcast you’re looking for into the search bar. When the podcast pops up, tap it. 

Then you’ll be able to read the description and select the episode you want to listen to. Newest episodes will be at the top of the screen, and you can scroll down to access earlier episodes, or the first if you want to start at the beginning. 

Tap the episode you want to listen to, and hit the play button. 


You can use Spotify on any kind of device—Apple or Android. Spotify is an app, but you can also use it in your web browser.

If you want to download the app, go into the App Store (for Apple devices) or Google Play Store (for Android devices) [include images]. Type “Spotify” into the search bar, and download the app with the green and black logo.

If you want to access Spotify in your browser, just type “Spotify” into your search bar and select the first result, which should have the same logo as above. 

In Spotify, no matter which version you’re using, go into the search bar. In your browser, the “search” option will be located on the left-hand side. In the app, it will be along the bottom of the screen. 

Type the name of the podcast you’re looking for into the search bar. When the podcast pops up, tap it. 

Then you’ll be able to read the description and select the episode you want to listen to. Newest episodes will be at the top of the screen, and you can scroll down to access earlier episodes, or the first, if you want to start at the beginning. 

Tap the episode you want to listen to, and hit the play button. 

Happy Listening!

Violà! Now you know how to access podcasts three different ways! So get out there, writers, and get your podcast on. Happy listening!


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